Flight 777 Banner


In October 2021, during the COVID special measures when it was permitted to meet indoors in small numbers, Dave G7BYN and Matt G7FBD were sat at either end of a table at a meeting of the North Bristol Amateur Radio Club practicing “social distancing with masks”. We weren’t present on this particular evening so we’re not sure how the conversation turned to the topic of Flight 777, however one particular version of events suggests that Dave G7BYN managed to “crowbar” the subject into an ongoing conversation.

There are many intriguing elements to the tragic loss of Flight 777 and David’s presentation of the background and influences make a compelling mystery worthy of further investigation; he certainly caught Matt’s imagination. The 2 were often to be found comparing notes on some nugget of information they had managed to extract from the published data.

Out of these investigations came the germ of an idea to undertake a commemorative special event station to mark the 80th anniversary of the loss. No ordinary special event station however, Dave and Matt set their sights high and wanted to establish a station on the site of the former Whitchurch Airfield and bracket the actual anniversary by a couple of days on either side, requiring the station to be operated for 5 days.

Dave and Matt and other members of the North Bristol Amateur Radio Club did all of the heavy lifting in terms of the organisation of this event. Through their contacts within Bristol City Council they were able to secure permission to operate as well as organise: power, welfare facilities and media coverage. Although they can’t be credited with organising the weather, the 5 day operation coincided with a stable high pressure period with glorious summer sunny weather!

Having overcome quite considerable challenges in getting the authorisation for the operation, obtaining a “Special” Special Event Callsign and generally coordinating the event, Dave and Matt found themselves with one last problem that might scupper the whole event; warm bodies to man the station…

Which is when they hit upon the idea of collaborating with us, the South Bristol Amateur Radio Club, who are local to the former airfield. At a visit to one of our Club meetings they set out the purpose of the event, what it represented and what was proposed. We were very pleased to be invited to assist with this event and a number of members pledged support for the event, notably: Dan 2E0IGS (now M0KJF), Ken M7MYU, Greg 2W1BUF (more on Greg’s fantastic contribution to this event later) and Andy G7KNA.

With the promise of enough bodies to man the station the event could go ahead as planned. Andy G7KNA managed to secure a range of RSGB handouts to accompany the site and event specific materials that Dave and Matt had prepared. Ahead of the main event we, the South Bristol Amateur Radio Club, made use of our own website and social media channels to promote the event, to good success given the number of lookups that the station’s QRZ page received prior to the event actually occurring.

Artists impression of the DC-3 Ibis


On the 1st June 1943 Ibis a civilian Douglas DC-3 aircraft in camouflage livery owned by KLM but operated under lease by BOAC with the callsign G-AGBB left Lisbon in Portugal on a scheduled flight to Whitchurch Airport near Bristol. The flight departed Lisbon at 07:35, 5 minutes after its due time the delay being the result of a passenger having to collect a package left at customs. Whitchurch Airfield received the confirmation of departure and maintained radio contact with the Aircraft, Ibis until 10:54.

At 10:54, when the aircraft was about 320km north west of the coast of Spain, Whitchurch received a radio message saying that G-AGBB was being followed and fired upon. Shortly afterwards the aircraft crashed and sank in the Bay of Biscay with the loss of all passengers and crew. The aircraft had a crew of 4 and 13 passengers, although a Douglas DC-3 was capable of carrying between 21 and 32 passengers depending on configuration.

Some of the surviving German pilots of the 8 Junkers JU-88’s involved in the attack were interviewed some decades after the end of the war as part of a book entitled ‘Bloody Biscay: The History of V Gruppe/Kampfgeschwader 40‘. The JU-88’s left Bordeaux at 10:00 tasked with locating and escorting 2 U-Boats in the Bay of Biscay. There was no notification given to the German pilots that a civilian aircraft might be in the area, whether or not these civilian flights were routinely notified to pilots is unclear. Due to poor weather conditions the pilots of the JU-88’s failed to locate their intended U-Boats and instead maintained a general search.

During this general search a grey silhouette was spotted from 2000m – 3000m, no markings could be discerned but the shape and construction identified it as a non-Axis aircraft and an attack was initiated. Only on closer approach was the identity of the target aircraft confirmed at which point the attack was broken off but the damage that had been caused was too great and G-AGBB crashed into the Bay of Biscay.

Conspiracy Theories

The book ‘Bloody Biscay: The History of V Gruppe/Kampfgeschwader 40‘ appears to have had a first publication date of 1997 meaning the the JU-88 pilots could have been interviewed more than 40 years after the event potentially making recollections of events that occurred quickly less clear, or perhaps the clarity is part of a rehearsed response. There is documented evidence of the tasking of the JU-88’s and no record of any known civilian flights being advised. Normally documents associated with wartime aircraft losses are released after 50 years in the UK, yet the records pertaining to Flight 777 G-AGBB remain sealed and will not be made public until 2043 assuming there are no further extensions. This alone makes people suspicious that the real facts surrounding the loss of Flight 777 are more complex than a tragic case of mistaken identity.

Ben Rosevink, the son of Flight 777 flight engineer Engbertus Rosevink, also undertook a personal investigation. In the 1980s, Rosevink tracked down and interviewed three of the German pilots involved in the attack, including the one who fired on Flight 777. In a 2010 interview with the Bristol Evening Post, Rosevink stated that he was convinced of the veracity of the German account, that this was a tragic accident and not more convoluted, but the lack of confirmation from the UK’s own records continue to cast a shadow of doubt over this conclusion.

It is perhaps less well known than Switzerland but during the war Portugal, like Switzerland, remained neutral. As such the Lisbon air corridor to the UK was a favourite route for inserting and recovering spies both for the Allies into Europe and the Axis into the UK as well as returning escaped POWs. Consequently, Allied, Axis and the Portuguese authorities maintained a watch on flights entering and leaving Lisbon.

Flight 777 Passenger Manifest

Flight 777 contained some notable passengers, and one or more of these might have been a reason to sacrifice the flight:

  • Ivan James Sharp, a senior official of the United Kingdom Commercial Corporation (UKCC),
  • F G Cowlrick,
  • Tyrrell Mildmay Shervington, director of Shell-Mex and BP Oil Company in Lisbon,
  • Gordon Thompson MacLean, an Inspector of British Consulates,
  • Wilfrid Israel, a prominent Anglo-German Jewish activist working to save Jews from the Holocaust,
  • Kenneth Stonehouse, a British journalist and Washington, D.C. correspondent of Reuters news agency,
  • Evelyn Peggy Margetts Stonehouse, wife of Kenneth Stonehouse,
  • Mrs C A Paton,
  • Leslie Howard, British stage and screen actor,
  • Alfred T. Chenhalls, Howard’s friend and accountant,
  • Mrs Rotha Hutcheon and her daughters:
    • Petra Hutcheon and
    • Carolina Hutcheon

Leslie Howard

Leslie HowardLeslie Howard was already a screen star, and was prized by the British Government for his wartime anti-Nazi propaganda and work in support of the war effort. He was returning from a British Council backed lecture tour of Spain and Portugal. Rumours persisted that he was actually a spy although these have been denied by his family.

It is also felt that from a distance he could have been mistaken for Churchill’s bodyguard which coupled with the fact that his friend and accountant Alfred Chenhalls could have been mistaken for Churchill (again from a distance) has led some to suspect that this was a botched assassination attempt.

Tyrrell Mildmay Shervington

Shervington was director of Shell-Mex and BP Oil Company in Lisbon, but he was also an agent of the Special Operations Executive’s Iberian operation. Some theories suggest that he was the primary target and the reason for the attack.

Wilfrid Israel

Wilfrid IsraelAnother passenger was Wilfrid Israel, a member of an important Anglo-German Jewish family and a rescuer of Jews from the Holocaust who had close connections to the British government. As early as 1933, he was obtaining information about Nazi arrest lists and warning the intended victims. He worked with consular officials in the British embassy to obtain visas, and he dismissed 700 of his firm’s Jewish staff with two years’ pay in 1936, telling them to save themselves by leaving Germany. He was instrumental in setting up the Kindertransport which saved more than 10,000 Jewish children from Germany and Austria. On 26 March 1943, he left Britain for Portugal and spent two months investigating the situation of Jews in Spain and Portugal; he found as many as 1,500 Jewish refugees in Spain, many of whom he aided in obtaining Palestine certificates, and he proposed a plan to the British government to aid them.

Although the flight listed only 13 passengers it was declared full and several potential passengers were turned away, flight manifests are dependent on mass so was flight 777 carrying a heavier than usual cargo? In fact two passengers, a young boy and his nanny, were “bumped” from their seats to be given to Howard and Chenhalls and allegedly a clergyman left the aircraft prior to take off although his identity is unknown and he is not listed on the passenger manifest. Finally a young girl, who was scheduled to be on the flight to complete the last leg of a journey from New York to the UK was kept back by her Portuguese guardians at the last minute.

Interestingly, the passenger who caused the delayed take-off was Howard collecting his package from customs.

The Special Event Station

Panoramic view of Special Event Station

Whitchurch Airfield ceased operations in 1957, it has since been redeveloped and many of the residents of the newly built communities on and around the airfield are unaware of the role that it played or the notable people who travelled through Whitchurch Airfield.

The station was established alongside the ‘Beach Hut Café‘ at the western end of the remaining section of runway. As can be seen from the map above, in the airfield’s operational period this location would have been almost halfway along the runway and probably wouldn’t have been suitable for radio operations!

Special Event StationAntenna

North Bristol’s approach to Special Events is very similar to our own, like us they adopt a KISS principle reducing the number of things that can be subject to the vagaries of operating away from an established “shack”. In this case the equipment comprised:

  • Icom IC-7300 HF transceiver,
  • Icom SM-30 microphone,
  • Trapped dipole, supported at either end and centrally fed.
  • Bluetooth external speaker with “aux” in so a wider audience could hear the QSO’s

A gazebo gave shelter for the operating post and a convenient number of tables and chairs meant that there was sufficient space not only to operate but also to observe the station and display a range of event specific and amateur radio focussed materials including a superb 1:72 scale model of a DC-3 in the livery of Ibis at the time she was lost; more on this later.


On the 30 May 2023 South Bristol’s Dan 2E0IGS (now M0KJF) had the honour of opening the station with Dave G7BYN acting as his logger. After a few “CQ” calls the first contact was with Mark G1PIE in Preston Lancashire at about 11:30 BST, after that there was a run of contacts lasting about 20 minutes bringing in 12 contacts within England and Belgium.

After a break, the operation continued at a more or less similar pace adding: Wales, Scotland, France and the Netherlands before shutting down around 17:00 BST with 69 stations in the log.

Special Event StationPaul G8YMM

When not operating; Dan 2E0IGS (now M0KJF) kept himself gainfully employed answering questions from the public and actively handing out information leaflets about Amateur Radio and the South Bristol Amateur Radio Club to anyone he could stop for long enough to talk to them, a clear asset to the hobby!

Dave G7BYN and Matt G7FBDMatt G7FBD

On 31 May and 1 June (the actual commemoration day) North Bristol operated the station alone. The log shows that on 31 May they worked a further 75 stations to bring the event count to 144 and added: Southern Ireland (Eire), Poland and Italy to the list of countries worked.

Visiting ClergyVisiting Clergy

On the actual commemoration day of 1 June, there were media visits from the BBC and solemn moments of reverence as representatives from local churches, including a Rabbi, led remembrance services. The station was featured on the local BBC News Television Program “Points West and Dave G7BYN is now something of a media celebrity!

Outside of the serious events of the day the operation of the station continued, by the end of the day the worked station count had increased to 219, an increase of 75 stations with Germany and Norway qualifying as “new” countries.

Kenneth M7MYU and Dave G7BYNKenneth M7MYU and Dave G7BYN

2 June saw South Bristol’s Kenneth M7MYU and Andy G7KNA swell the numbers and add a further 75 stations to the log bringing the running total to 294 and adding Spain and Russia to the worked countries list. Kenneth put his work with children with learning difficulties to good use by being the point of contact for a number of the younger observers who were perhaps a little unsure of some of the older operators.

Kenneth M7MYUMatt G7FBD and Andy G7KNA

3 June was the final day of operations, South Bristol’s Greg 2W1BUF joined the team in the morning but sadly had to rush back home to deal with an emergency and had little chance to operate for long, which was a shame as he’d put a lot of effort into organising the 1:72 scale model of the DC-3 painted to resemble “Ibis” as she would have been during her flight from Portugal 80 years previously and was looking forward to operating the Special Event Station. Andy G7KNA reappeared in the afternoon for the final push and to assist with the final takedown and removal of North Bristol’s equipment.

Kenneth M7MYUFlight 777 Special Event Station

This final day did not add any new countries, although there were many contacts into the already listed countries. However, this day did add 126 stations into the log to bring the final total for the 5 day operation to 420.


This was something of a departure for both Clubs. Both Clubs are well established and have their own separate series of recurring Special Events; despite being located in the same City there has been little organised collaboration or cross pollination. This event marks a change and, it has to be said, overall was a great success. Not only was the event significant in the local history of the City but the event managed to show a new community some of the history of the area they are living in.

This was really brought home on the Friday or Saturday when a young 13 year old picked up the information booklet prepared by North Bristol ARC. Stood there as his friends headed off to the skate park he read the short document from cover to cover and on finishing asked if he could take the booklet home, adding he had “no idea” that such things happened so close to where he currently lived.

We hope this marks the beginning of a closer collaboration with our sister club North Bristol ARC in other activations or possibly even just social events.

The Model DC-3

1:72 Scale Douglas DC-31:72 Scale Douglas DC-3

We can’t let this page end without a special mention about ‘the model‘. Just to be clear we are not, in this instance, referring to the Kraftwerk track of the same name. No, we are referring to a 1:72 scale model of a Douglas DC-3 that had been painted to resemble Ibis as she would have looked in June 1943.

1:72 Scale Douglas DC-31:72 Scale Douglas DC-3

Greg 2W1BUF is an aviation enthusiast and a historic researcher of almost all things aviation relating to the war. He is the 100 Squadron Association Historian, 100 Squadron (RAF) Researcher 1917 – March 2022, 100 Squadron (RAAF) Researcher 1942-1945, and RAF No.1 (Bomber) Group Researcher 1940-1945. Additionally, he is also a fine model maker, having a vast collection of beautifully finished model aircraft around his house.

1:72 Scale Douglas DC-31:72 Scale Douglas DC-3

He needed little encouragement, it transpired, to move a 1:72 scale Douglas DC-3 up the “manufacturing” programme for display at the Special Event. Not content with simply making the 1:72 scale model he also ensured that the camouflage paint was as close as possible to the patterns used at that time. However, the pièce de résistance has to be the inclusion not only of the G-AGBB markings but also the name “Ibis” on the nose. This model was handled by many of our younger visitors and much like it’s full sized namesake which survived two previous encounters with the Luftwaffe before the fateful events of 1 June 1943, the model was surprisingly unscathed!

1:72 Scale Douglas DC-31:72 Scale Douglas DC-3

The Log

Date of Contact Time Station Worked Band or Freq (MHz) Mode TX RX Operator’s Name QTH IARU Locator Distance (km) Notes
30/05/2023 10:30 G1PIE 40m SSB 58   58   Mark Preston – Lancashire. IO83qr 255  
30/05/2023 10:31 M7DTX 40m SSB 55   55   David Chester Le Street – County Durham IO94eu 386  
30/05/2023 10:33 ON4CBZ 40m SSB 59   59   Michel 9160 Lokeren JO21ac 465  
30/05/2023 10:37 G3NFV 40m SSB 59   59   Robin Fetcham – Leatherhead IO91si 151  
30/05/2023 10:38 M0XTC 40m SSB 59   59           Valid call – Not member of QRZ.
30/05/2023 10:40 M0JAH 40m SSB 58   59   John Tresillian – Truro Cornwall IO70mg 209  
30/05/2023 10:42 M0JZH 40m SSB 54   59   John Telford IO82rq 139  
30/05/2023 10:44 G0SPF 40m SSB 59   59   Terry Paignton IO91vl 167  
30/05/2023 10:46 M0MGY 40m SSB 59   57   Peter Southport IO83mp 246  
30/05/2023 10:48 M7BBZ 40m SSB 59   59   Norman Bristol IO81qj 5  
30/05/2023 10:50 GB0SB 40m SSB 59   59   The A M C Radio Club Short Brothers Special Call Isle Of Sheppey JO01lj 248  
30/05/2023 10:53 G0RHT 40m SSB 59   59            
30/05/2023 11:37 G4POF 40m SSB 59   59   John Fordingbridge Hampshire IO90cw 80  
30/05/2023 11:40 G0UOO 40m SSB 59   58   Rob Folkestone/Dover In South Kent JO01nd 263  
30/05/2023 11:45 G0RLA 70cm SSB 59   59   Paul Romsey IO91fa 89 DMR Contact via TG950/777
30/05/2023 11:50 M0TJX 70cm SSB 59   59   Terry South Gloucestershire IO81tn 22 DMR via TG950/777
30/05/2023 11:58 G4FCZ 40m SSB 38   48   Miles 1 Church Lane – Lound – Lowestoft JO02um 320  
30/05/2023 12:00 G1HPD 40m SSB 59   58   Tony Worthing IO90tt 172 /M
30/05/2023 12:04 GW4FCV 40m SSB 59   59   Robert Blackwood – Gwent IO81jp 47  
30/05/2023 12:05 M0HDJ 70cm SSB 59   59   David South Gloucestershire IO81rl 7 DMR Via TG950/777
30/05/2023 12:06 G6YYN 40m SSB 58   59   Ken Back Lane – Hemingbrough – Selby IO93ms 283 /M
30/05/2023 12:10 G7WKW 40m SSB 59   58   Martin Freshwater Isle Of Wight Eu120 IO90fq 113  
30/05/2023 12:17 G4VJN 40m SSB 59   58     Deeping St James IO91vl 167  
30/05/2023 12:28 M6LWR 40m SSB 48   48   Steve Bristol IO81qj 5  
30/05/2023 12:31 M0PDT 40m SSB 59   59   Peter Kingston Upon Hull IO93us 303  
30/05/2023 12:35 G7MSA 40m SSB 49   49            
30/05/2023 12:40 G0DTX 40m SSB     59   John Hadfield – Glossop – Derbyshire IO93ak 227  
30/05/2023 12:45 G3OKA 40m SSB 59   59   John Meols – Wirral – Uk IO83jj 221  
30/05/2023 12:48 G4GTX 40m SSB 58   58   Stuart Sunderland IO94hv 393  
30/05/2023 12:52 M6NER 40m SSB 59   58   Tom Cumbria IO84me 306  
30/05/2023 12:55 GM8OFQ 40m SSB 59   59   Geoffrey Isle Of Hoy IO88mx 838  
30/05/2023 12:58 G0GWY 40m SSB 59   57     North Lincolnshire Dn16 1Ey IO93qn 272  
30/05/2023 13:00 G4WOD 40m SSB 59   59     Bristol IO81rk 6  
30/05/2023 13:00 G0CXP 40m SSB 59   55   Keith I Live On A Narrowboat On The Canals IO91vl 167 /M
30/05/2023 13:03 G1BBY 40m SSB 58   58   Walter Longhorsley – Morpeth IO95cf 425  
30/05/2023 13:06 F4WEC 40m SSB 58   57   John 85570 – Marsaise Sainte Radegonde IN96nm 561  
30/05/2023 13:08 G0KZH 40m SSB 57   54   Elaine Rochdale – Lancs IO83wo 243  
30/05/2023 13:11 ON6YP 40m SSB 59   58   Greg Posthoornstraat JO10ku 389  
30/05/2023 13:15 F6CCE 40m SSB 59   57   Norbert Brie JN18eu 457  
30/05/2023 13:18 ON4KZF 40m SSB 48   58   Francis Montignies Sur Sambre JO20fj 510  
30/05/2023 13:22 M0KED 40m SSB 59   57   Andy Lincoln JO57ac 1033  
30/05/2023 13:25 ON3RUM 40m SSB 59   58   Roger B-8530 Harelbeke JO10pu 418  
30/05/2023 13:27 G0CXP 40m SSB 59   56   Keith I Live On A Narrowboat On The Canals IO91vl 167 /M
30/05/2023 13:31 ON7WD 40m SSB 59   59   Daniel 2820 Bonheiden JO21ga 501  
30/05/2023 13:41 2E0JFY 40m SSB 59   58   Mark Wigan IO83oo 241  
30/05/2023 13:45 2E0VCP 40m SSB 58   58            
30/05/2023 13:59 2E0FVN 40m SSB 57   59   Mark Barnet IO91wp 174  
30/05/2023 14:00 M0PEX 40m SSB 59   57   David Braunton IO71wc 111  
30/05/2023 14:12 GB2DD 40m SSB 59   59   D – Day Special Event London IO91so 151  
30/05/2023 14:14 G3VCG 40m SSB 58   56   Don Essex JO01fs 216 Member of the public sent a greetings message. Thank you Don for being a good sport and accepting the greeting.
30/05/2023 14:18 G0BFG 40m SSB 59   59     Battle IO91vl 167  
30/05/2023 14:20 PA3AHC 40m SSB 58   58     1411Jp Naarden JO22ga 498  
30/05/2023 14:33 G0KIK 40m SSB 58   57     Plymouth Devon Pl54Lt IO70wi 160  
30/05/2023 14:43 G4YOV 40m SSB 58   55   John Stockton-On-Tees IO94hn 357  
30/05/2023 14:47 M3BBF 40m SSB 59   59   John Cowes – Isle Of Wight IO90is 119  
30/05/2023 14:49 G6NKL 40m SSB 59   59   Derek Woodhall Spa – Lincolnshire IO93ve 255  
30/05/2023 14:57 G0SYI 40m SSB 59   59   Keith Horfield Bristol. IO81rk 6  
30/05/2023 14:59 M7TRM 40m SSB 53   55   Steve Slough IO91vl 167  
30/05/2023 15:01 M0VNP 40m SSB 59   59   Steve Bristol IO81rl 7  
30/05/2023 15:05 G3SVD 40m SSB 59   59   Andy Newtown – Newbury IO91ii 93  
30/05/2023 15:09 G3KIP 40m SSB 58   59   Ken Tunbridge Wells JO01dd 205  
30/05/2023 15:18 G3TGB 40m SSB 59   59   Brian Braintree IO91vl 167 “R” Removed to enable logging
30/05/2023 15:24 GR8GD 40m SSB 58   57   Jonathan 12M 19Km Wsw Of The Centre Of London Tw12 3. IO92fj 130  
30/05/2023 15:34 M0LYD 40m SSB 48   54   Robert Lydd On Sea JO00lw 256  
30/05/2023 15:37 G3OBX 40m SSB 49   59   Derek . Jo01Cn JO01cn 197  
30/05/2023 15:38 G3TGB 40m SSB 58   58   Brian Braintree IO91vl 167 Removed “R” as user had no set it up as a secondary identifier
30/05/2023 15:46 G4EPH 40m SSB 59   59   John Bristol – Avon IO81rk 6  
30/05/2023 15:47 DL8FQ 40m SSB 48   57   Rolf 66424 Homburg JN39pg 743  
30/05/2023 15:53 M7JAP 40m SSB 59   59   Paul Heywood IO83vo 242  
31/05/2023 10:07 G4HHX 40m SSB 59   59   Richard Kent. JO01pd 274  
31/05/2023 10:13 M6BAQ 40m SSB 58   54   Brian Dover IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 10:31 G3PGA 40m SSB 59   59   Mike Fremington. North Devon IO71wb 112  
31/05/2023 10:34 G0VGS 40m SSB 59   57   Ian Morecambe IO84nb 292  
31/05/2023 10:36 G4LYE 40m SSB 59   59   Norman Selby Northyorkshire IO93ls 280  
31/05/2023 10:41 F/PA1EW 40m SSB 59   59            
31/05/2023 10:48 2E0NCD 40m SSB 59   59   Nicholas Fordingbridge. IO90cx 77  
31/05/2023 10:55 G0JMR 40m SSB 59   59   David Colne IO83vu 270  
31/05/2023 11:02 G4IWO 40m SSB 58   59   Nick Shore – Littleborough IO83wp 248 /P
31/05/2023 11:03 M0HBG 40m SSB 59   59   Hundredth Bomb Group Memorial Museum Diss – Norfolk IO91vl 167 /P
31/05/2023 11:08 G3LVP 40m SSB 48   58     Gloucestershire IO81wv 62  
31/05/2023 11:15 M7CAD 40m SSB 59   59   Glyn Cannock – Staffordshire IO92aq 146  
31/05/2023 11:18 G3OJV 40m SSB 59   59   Peter Hockley JO01ho 226  
31/05/2023 11:19 G4SUX 40m SSB 59   57     Lacock Chippenham Wiltshire IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 11:25 GM7AWK 40m SSB 59   59     Kelloholm – Sanquhar – Dumfriesshire IO85hr 479  
31/05/2023 11:27 G7VKP 40m SSB 57   59   Adrian Derbyshire IO93hd 208  
31/05/2023 11:29 G4OBB 40m SSB 59   59   Des Glemsford – Suffolk IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 11:30 G1NYN 40m SSB 58   59   Dave Chickenley – Dewsbury IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 11:31 G8CKK 40m SSB 47   59   Tony St. George – Bristol IO81rk 6  
31/05/2023 11:31 M10AIH 40m SSB 59   59            
31/05/2023 11:32 2E0YOX 40m SSB 47   58           /P
31/05/2023 11:33 G0PSM 40m SSB 59   59   Peter Northenden IO83uj 219  
31/05/2023 11:33 G1VNA 40m SSB 59   59   Chris Callington IO70um 155  
31/05/2023 11:34 MI3JX 40m SSB 59   59            
31/05/2023 11:35 M0TZM 40m SSB 59   59   Tony Muxton IO82sr 144  
31/05/2023 11:36 GM4TPQ 40m SSB 58   59   Bill Turnberry – South Ayrshire. IO75nh 456  
31/05/2023 11:54 G4YOV 40m SSB 59   59   John Stockton-On-Tees IO94hn 357  
31/05/2023 12:00 G4GMN 40m SSB 59   59   Ray Sw Essex IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 12:02 G4PFK 40m SSB 48   59   Graham Great Barr – Birmingham IO91wm 173  
31/05/2023 12:04 M1CFW 40m SSB 48   59   Richard Anna Valley – Andover IO91fe 80 /P
31/05/2023 12:08 M1TES 40m SSB 59   59   James Suffolk JO02rk 301  
31/05/2023 12:09 G0NIK 40m SSB 59   59   Phil Ipswich AA00aa 15716  
31/05/2023 12:11 G4ZST 40m SSB 59   58   Dave Lowestoft JO02ul 319  
31/05/2023 12:13 G7RHF 40m SSB 59   59   Al Shrops IO82qk 111  
31/05/2023 12:15 M5AFG 40m SSB 59   59   Dave Telford IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 12:17 G4KCS 40m SSB 59   54   Rob London JO01am 185  
31/05/2023 12:20 2R0MHJ 40m SSB 59   59   Ingwahang Blandford Forum IO80wu 74  
31/05/2023 12:21 G0AIH 40m SSB 59   59   Dick Near Darlington Co Durham IO94gm 351  
31/05/2023 12:26 G4HEC 40m SSB 59   59   Paul Christchurch Dorset IO90cr 98  
31/05/2023 12:29 M3KPZ 40m SSB 59   59     Bristol IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 12:54 M0KEP 40m SSB 59   59   Tim Malvern IO82td 81  
31/05/2023 12:57 G6FJI 40m SSB 53   56   Martin Abingdon IO91iq 96  
31/05/2023 12:59 EI3HA 40m SSB 58   58   Tony Strandhill Sligo IO54qg 511  
31/05/2023 13:02 G8BBC 40m SSB 58   59   The B B C Amateur Radio Group London W1A. (This Is Not A Mailing Address) IO91wm 173 OP: Jim Lee
31/05/2023 13:04 F6FHO 40m SSB 52   57   Philippe Qrz.Com Adress JN26aa 775  
31/05/2023 13:10 G0KOJ 40m SSB 56   59   Brian Wisbeach Cambridgeshire JO02cr 241  
31/05/2023 13:16 EI7HDB 40m SSB 59   59   Dale Ardattin – Tullow – Co Carlow IO62ps 316  
31/05/2023 13:19 M0RHX 40m SSB 59   59   Richard Stourbridge IO82wl 121  
31/05/2023 13:20 M0RBM 40m SSB 57   59   Rodney Stratton – Cornwall IO70rt 151  
31/05/2023 13:23 MW0TSU 40m SSB 55   57   Roger Carno IO82fn 140  
31/05/2023 13:28 GM4MTI 40m SSB 51   55   Donald Oban IO85hr 479  
31/05/2023 13:31 2E0IHS 40m SSB 58   59   Gary Reading IO91lk 110  
31/05/2023 13:37 G7CSM 40m SSB 57   58   Robert Gloucester IO81vu 55 “R” Removed to enable log
31/05/2023 13:48 MM0KNN 20m SSB 58   56   Chris Stornoway – Isle Of Lewis IO68vf 789  
31/05/2023 13:52 SP5THC 20m SSB 59   59   Janusz Warszawa KO02mg 1621  
31/05/2023 13:54 IK4MTF 20m SSB 58   58   Pietro Piacenza JN45ua 1156  
31/05/2023 14:47 G4GJV 40m SSB 47   59     London N1 8Ua IO91wm 173  
31/05/2023 14:48 G4BGX 40m SSB 58   58   Derek Newton Road Sturminster Marshall Wimborne Dorset IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 14:50 2E0MNG 40m SSB 59   59   Neal Littleover – Derby – Derbyshire. IO92gv 181  
31/05/2023 14:53 M3HJH 40m SSB 48   59   Harry   IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 14:56 G3OQD 40m SSB 59   59   Martin Hayes – Bromley – Kent JO01aj 185 “R” Removed to enable logging
31/05/2023 14:57 G8XMP 40m SSB 58   59   Peter Crowle – North Lincolnshire IO93no 268  
31/05/2023 15:02 M0CKI 40m SSB 34   56   Steve 4 Dallas Street Mansfeild JO02cs 244  
31/05/2023 15:07 M0ZEM 40m SSB 59   59   Bob County Durham IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 15:11 M0GRI 40m SSB 59   59   Robert Gateshead IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 15:11 F4IYB 40m SSB 59   59   Patrice 59530 Raucourt Au Bois (Nord) JO10tf 459  
31/05/2023 15:19 PA1LEG 40m SSB 48   53   Bernard Rotterdam JO22ga 498  
31/05/2023 15:24 PE2GH 40m SSB 55   57   Gerard Oldenzaal JO32lh 664  
31/05/2023 15:26 F4HWH 40m SSB 44   44   Alain Coteaux Sur Loire JN07dg 509  
31/05/2023 15:28 G0HUE 40m SSB 59   55     Durham Dh7 0Ea IO91vl 167  
31/05/2023 15:36 2E0IGS 40m SSB 45   59            
31/05/2023 15:39 M0KKM 40m SSB 59   59   Kevin Downham Market – Norfolk JO02eo 243  
31/05/2023 15:43 M0RYK 40m SSB 48   43   Michael Tunbridge Wells JO01dd 205  
31/05/2023 15:46 G4KCS 40m SSB 55   55   Rob London JO01am 185  
31/05/2023 15:47 G7JVG 40m SSB 55   59   Al Tyne & Wear IO94fw 396  
01/06/2023 09:27 G3ZLX 40m SSB 59   59   Ed Milton Keynes IO91ox 140  
01/06/2023 09:39 EI8BLB 40m SSB 57   59   Liam Tullogher – Co. Killkenny IO62lj 321  
01/06/2023 09:40 F4JRL 40m SSB 59   59   Ludovic Fontaines D’Ozillac IN95tj 692  
01/06/2023 09:43 G8TXK 40m SSB 58   58   Peter Redmoor Cornwall Uk IO70pj 186  
01/06/2023 09:46 F/EI5KB 40m SSB 59   59            
01/06/2023 09:50 G0ANS 40m SSB 56   59   John Rochester JO01fi 214  
01/06/2023 09:52 PE4ED 40m SSB 53   55   Emil Apeldoorn JO22xe 595  
01/06/2023 09:53 G0RDP 40m SSB 58   59   David Brookland Avenue – Mansfield IO93jd 213  
01/06/2023 09:54 M0MLY 40m SSB 59   59   John Seaton Delaval IO95fb 409  
01/06/2023 09:58 GW4NOO 40m SSB 59   59   Michael Tenby – Pembrokeshire IO71oq 152  
01/06/2023 09:59 G8DLX 40m SSB 59   59   Mike Bilton – Rugby IO92ii 137  
01/06/2023 10:01 G1SSL 40m SSB 58   55   Melvin Didcot IO91jo 100  
01/06/2023 10:04 G4NMD 40m SSB 59   59   Graham Bramley – Surrey IO91re 147  
01/06/2023 10:06 G3WXG 40m SSB 58   59     Brighton IO90wu 186  
01/06/2023 10:07 M3SLA 40m SSB 59   59           Not a QRZ User.
01/06/2023 10:10 PD1JN 40m SSB 58   59   Jurrie Finsterwolde JO33ne 690  
01/06/2023 10:11 M3KOJ 40m SSB 57   59     Clowne – Chesterfield IO91vl 167  
01/06/2023 10:12 G8HBS 40m SSB 59   59   Julian Ormesby Great Yarmouth Norfolk JO02uq 327  
01/06/2023 10:12 2R0HKM 40m SSB 58   59   James Ashley – Staffordshire IO82tw 168  
01/06/2023 10:18 G3EC 40m SSB 59   59            
01/06/2023 10:18 G2EC 40m SSB 59   59   Blandford Garrison Amateur Radio Club Blandford Camp – Dorset IO80wv 70  
01/06/2023 10:20 PD0AG 40m SSB 59   59   Toon Zutphen Gelderland JO32cd 612  
01/06/2023 10:21 G0RLA 40m SSB 58   59   Paul Romsey IO91fa 89  
01/06/2023 10:24 M0BMX 40m SSB 59   59   Mel Higher Carvossa – Ludgvan – Penzance IO70gd 245  
01/06/2023 10:24 MR0MAR 40m SSB 59   59   Andy London – Northholt Raf IO91vl 167  
01/06/2023 10:26 2E0NML 40m SSB 59   59   Jon Lordswood JO01gi 220  
01/06/2023 10:29 M7BBZ 40m SSB 59   59   Norman Bristol IO81qj 5  
01/06/2023 10:31 M0LED 40m SSB 58   56   Lee Buckfastleigh Devon IO80cl 134  
01/06/2023 10:33 F4WCW 40m SSB 58   58   Michael Chalus JN05lp 695  
01/06/2023 10:36 G4ZTQ 40m SSB 59   58   Sidnej Chichester – Po19 6Gl IO90ou 143  
01/06/2023 10:38 M6EVR 40m SSB 59   34   Steve 32 Merrimans Road – Bristol IO81pl 7  
01/06/2023 11:50 G0WFV 40m SSB 56   56   Tony Lincoln IO93qb 226  
01/06/2023 11:51 M7TRM 40m SSB 59   57   Steve Slough IO91vl 167  
01/06/2023 11:53 G4EJH 40m SSB 52   57     Bristol IO91vl 167  
01/06/2023 12:03 M0JXF 40m SSB 58   59   Brian Kidderminster IO82vj 110  
01/06/2023 12:07 ON3MOH 40m SSB 54   55   Hans Menen JO10nt 407  
01/06/2023 12:12 GB0YAM 40m SSB 59   59   The Radio Shack C/O Yorkshire Air Museum York IO93mw 300 Operator: Ken
01/06/2023 12:18 G7OAE 40m SSB 52   59   John Staffordshire Moorlands IO83xc 189 /QRP
01/06/2023 12:23 ON7ULM 40m SSB 58   58   Fabien Hooglede JO10mx 398  
01/06/2023 12:26 M0LJT 40m SSB 59   59   Eddie St George IO81rl 7  
01/06/2023 12:28 M5JB 40m SSB 52   59   Jeremy Holmfirth IO93cn 243 /P
01/06/2023 12:30 2E0OTM 40m SSB 52   55   Owen County Durham IO94hs 380  
01/06/2023 12:35 DL1WH 40m SSB 59   59   Volker 54550 Daun JO30je 675  
01/06/2023 12:37 GM0OTS 40m SSB 58   55   Bill Hopeman – Elgin – Moray IO87gq 697  
01/06/2023 12:42 EI2FN 40m SSB 58   58   John Delgany – Co. Wicklow IO63xd 300  
01/06/2023 12:43 ON5LS 40m SSB 52   55   Stefan Izegem JO10ov 411  
01/06/2023 12:46 PA50VVG 40m SSB 58   54   Jacob Scheemda JO33le 679  
01/06/2023 12:49 M0BHG 40m SSB 59   59   Brian Saltash IO70vj 160  
01/06/2023 12:51 PD9DY 40m SSB 57   57   Rudy Noord-Holland JO22ga 498  
01/06/2023 12:52 G6TSJ 40m SSB 58   55   Phillip Buckingham IO91mx 130  
01/06/2023 12:55 F6FCM 40m SSB 59   58   Patrick 75013 Paris JN18eu 457  
01/06/2023 12:57 2E0FEH 40m SSB 59   59   Karl Saltash – Cornwall IO70vj 160  
01/06/2023 13:00 ON5SEL 40m SSB 59   59   Luc Rijmenam JO21ha 507 /QRP
01/06/2023 13:01 M0WTN 40m SSB 59   59   John Hednesford – Staffordshire IO82xr 149 “R” removed to allow logging
01/06/2023 13:02 ON5BWE 40m SSB 59   59   Erwin Bilzen JO20sv 572  
01/06/2023 13:04 PI4VBD 40m SSB 59   59   Royal Netherlands Army Signal Regiment Stroe JO22ga 498  
01/06/2023 13:10 ON3FIS 40m SSB 58   59            
01/06/2023 13:11 M0HUE 40m SSB 59   59   Joe Bristol IO91vl 167  
01/06/2023 13:15 G4HOM 40m SSB 52   57   Fred Birmingham IO92bn 135  
01/06/2023 13:15 GI4TMB 40m SSB 59   59   Mike Bangor – Co. Down IO74ao 416  
01/06/2023 13:17 PD2ET 40m SSB 59   58   Patrick Alkmaar JO22jp 524  
01/06/2023 13:18 M0TRJ 40m SSB 59   56   Simon . Somewhere In Bristol IO81sk 12  
01/06/2023 14:10 DL3FAV 40m SSB 59   57   Dieter Neunkirchen-Seelscheid JO30pu 694  
01/06/2023 14:16 2M0WTN 40m SSB 59   59   Alistair Wick – Caithness IO88kk 779  
01/06/2023 14:19 DL3MBL 40m SSB 59   59   Manfred 27432 Bremervoerde JO43nl 827 /P
01/06/2023 14:28 G4GSA 40m SSB 55   57   Pete Bradley Stoke – Bristol IO91vl 167 /P
01/06/2023 14:31 F4CYH 40m SSB 52   57   Yannick Sarry JN26bh 753  
01/06/2023 14:34 OS8D 40m SSB 56   57   Etienne Steenokkerzeel JO20gw 502  
01/06/2023 14:35 DL8LAR 40m SSB 51   58   Rudolf Flensburg JO40ic 810  
01/06/2023 14:39 2M0RNV 40m SSB 58   59           Not a QRZ user.
01/06/2023 14:43 F6BZJ 40m SSB 59   59   Jacques 85570 Marsais Sainte Radegonde IN96nm 561  
01/06/2023 14:46 GM0KZX 40m SSB 42   51   Barrie Dumbarton IO75rw 516  
01/06/2023 14:52 G4EPH 40m SSB 59   59   John Bristol – Avon IO81rk 6  
01/06/2023 15:17 LA1CI 40m SSB 59   59   Aage 9100 Kval�Ysletta JQ90sa 2360  
01/06/2023 15:27 DH1PJ 40m SSB 34   58   Markus 67304 Eisenberg JO40ic 810  
02/06/2023 09:10 PA1JR 40m SSB 59   59     Zelhem JO32ea 623  
02/06/2023 09:14 MM0SAX 40m SSB 57   59   George Glasgow IO75tu 504 /M
02/06/2023 09:15 G1HQQ 40m SSB 59   59     Essex Ss3-9Ny JO01im 231  
02/06/2023 09:15 G0WYB 40m SSB 59   59           DMR Contact TG950
02/06/2023 09:20 G8CKK 40m SSB 59   58   Tony St. George – Bristol IO81rk 6  
02/06/2023 09:24 M3OZP 40m SSB 57   57   Chris Folkestone – Kent JO01ob 270  
02/06/2023 09:27 PA1MV 40m SSB 57   59   Jaap   JO22ga 498  
02/06/2023 09:28 F5AGB 40m SSB 59   59   Bruno Brie Comte Robert 77170 JN18hq 483  
02/06/2023 09:29 ON4CHD 40m SSB 59   57   Stephan 8560 Gullegem JO10ou 412  
02/06/2023 09:31 G6EXF 40m SSB 59   59   Jeff Spalding – Lincolnshire IO92wt 229  
02/06/2023 09:32 EI8FH 40m SSB 59   59   Malcolm Clontarf – Dublin. IO63vi 323  
02/06/2023 09:34 M0KOO 40m SSB 59   59   Kris York IO93kv 291  
02/06/2023 09:35 G4BSC 40m SSB 59   59   John Cheltenham – Gloucestershire IO81wv 62  
02/06/2023 09:38 F5EO 40m SSB 59   59   Jean-Paul Saint Lunaire IN88wp 312  
02/06/2023 09:42 PA1RI 40m SSB 48   59   Robert Oeffelt JO21xq 594  
02/06/2023 09:43 PD1TDK 40m SSB 58   59   Erwin Zoetermeer JO22gb 498  
02/06/2023 09:45 DF6QE 40m SSB 58   59   Ersin 48147 Muenster JO31tx 708  
02/06/2023 09:45 M0VIE 40m SSB 59   59   Kevin   IO83sc 186  
02/06/2023 09:47 PD5JOS 40m SSB 58   59   Jos Maassluis JO21cw 474 /M
02/06/2023 09:49 DG1YBN 40m SSB 59   57   Harry 48291 Telgte JO31vx 720  
02/06/2023 09:50 PE1OUW 40m SSB 59   59   Ramon Zaandijk JO22jl 521  
02/06/2023 09:52 M0RMY 40m SSB 59   59   Tom Nottingham IO92iw 190  
02/06/2023 09:54 PA3BOE 40m SSB 59   59   Reni 3723 Kc Bilthoven JO22od 544  
02/06/2023 09:58 PD2GCM 40m SSB 57   59   Gerard Oud-Beijerland JO21et 485 /P
02/06/2023 09:59 F4VPR 40m SSB 59   57   Richard 87440 Les Salles-Lavauguyon JN05is 676  
02/06/2023 10:01 G4NKT 40m SSB 59   59   David Bristol IO81rl 7  
02/06/2023 10:02 G0FGX 40m SSB 59   59   Bob Cornwall IO70ic 239  
02/06/2023 10:04 M0IXL 40m SSB 58   59   Michael Upwood IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 10:09 G0PUR 40m SSB 59   59     Middx Tw15 3Ay IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 10:09 F4ILH 20m SSB 59   59   Jean-Baptiste Ecuras JN05gq 680  
02/06/2023 10:10 G3ROV 40m SSB 59   59     Surrey Gu21 4Sj IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 10:11 M3UKO 40m SSB 56   56   Neil Hereford IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 10:13 G0FAJ 40m SSB 59   59   Les Poole – Dorset IO80xr 89 DMR Contact TG950
02/06/2023 10:14 GR7LHK 40m SSB 58   59   Troy Io92Cp IO92cp 146  
02/06/2023 10:16 G3BAR 40m SSB 59   59   Keith Looe IO70rj 177  
02/06/2023 10:18 M7EYP 40m SSB 58   59   Stephen Kingston Upon Hull IO93us 303  
02/06/2023 10:22 EA1AQO 40m SSB 56   58   Joaquin 39300 Torrelavega (Cantabria) IN73xi 905  
02/06/2023 10:23 2E0DTG 40m SSB 56   56   David Cumbria IO84me 306 /P
02/06/2023 11:16 G1LRO 40m SSB 58   59   Mark Cheltenham IO81xv 65  
02/06/2023 11:18 M7TRM 40m SSB 59   59   Steve Slough IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 11:20 GB2DD 40m SSB 59   59   D – Day Special Event London IO91so 151  
02/06/2023 11:21 G4OBB 40m SSB 59   58   Des Glemsford – Suffolk IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 11:23 G4UOO 40m SSB 59   58     Dunstable IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 11:26 GW4REX 40m SSB 59   59   Philip Chepstow IO81pp 24  
02/06/2023 11:34 DL5LV 40m SSB 58   58   Volker Bergisch-Gladbach JO31oa 686  
02/06/2023 11:36 G8HBS 40m SSB 58   57   Julian Ormesby Great Yarmouth Norfolk JO02uq 327  
02/06/2023 11:38 G5XDX 40m SSB 58   59   Callum St Ives – Cornwall IO70ge 243  
02/06/2023 12:30 2E0ZXW 40m SSB 58   59   Mike Hellingly JO00du 213 Removed “R” as station has not set this up on their QRZ page correctly
02/06/2023 12:32 M6DBC 40m SSB 58   59   Jud Cleveland IO94in 359 /P
02/06/2023 12:35 PD7CB 40m SSB 58   58   Jos Koekange JO32er 631  
02/06/2023 13:11 G4YRB 40m SSB 59   55   John Station Located 3 Miles North East Of Halifax IO93cs 265  
02/06/2023 13:18 PI4ADL 40m SSB 44   56   Club Station National Aviation Theme Park Aviodrome 8275 Pg Luchthaven Lelystad JO22sk 570  
02/06/2023 13:22 G8AOP 40m SSB 48   48           Not a QRZ User
02/06/2023 13:27 PD4WF 40m SSB 58   59   Jan Hoenderloo JO22wc 589  
02/06/2023 13:30 ON8JLR 40m SSB 58   59   Jean-Luc Florennes JO20gf 521 /P
02/06/2023 13:34 F4WEC 40m SSB 52   55   John 85570 – Marsaise Sainte Radegonde IN96nm 561  
02/06/2023 13:35 G4WEC 40m SSB 32   55     Retford IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 13:42 G4RQU 40m SSB 44   52   David Hunstanton. Norfolk JO02fw 268  
02/06/2023 13:56 IU0JIW 20m SSB 59   59   Daniele Anzio JN61hl 1603  
02/06/2023 13:58 RA1AVP 20m SSB 57   59   Alexei St.Petersburg KP50ea 2245  
02/06/2023 15:05 G4GTX 40m SSB 59   58   Stuart Sunderland IO94hv 393  
02/06/2023 15:13 2E0XGO 40m SSB 59   59   Richard Whitehaven IO84fn 353 /P
02/06/2023 15:18 PA1BOB 40m SSB 59   56   Bob Bergen Op Zoom JO21dl 479  
02/06/2023 15:32 PA3HFJ 40m SSB 48   55   Wijnand Nieuwdorp JO11vl 444 /P
02/06/2023 15:48 G0RYM 40m SSB 55   59   Stan Alveston – Bristol IO81ro 19  
02/06/2023 15:52 G0OFD 40m SSB 59   59   John Brancaster – Kings Lynn JO02hx 280  
02/06/2023 15:54 M0HHD 40m SSB 59   59   Peter Hampshire IO91vl 167  
02/06/2023 15:55 ON5WQ 40m SSB 59   59   Bernard Sivry JO20lw 531  
02/06/2023 15:58 G7PKG 40m SSB 45   59   Bryn Filey IO94ue 343  
02/06/2023 16:01 ON8AZ 40m SSB 49   55   Francis Kortrijk (Heule) JO10ou 412  
02/06/2023 16:03 MI0DJM 40m SSB 54   59   Joe Omagh IO64io 470  
02/06/2023 16:04 M0CGD 40m SSB 58   57   Ray Kent Isle Of Sheppey JO01jj 237  
02/06/2023 16:06 M0GDX 40m SSB 58   58   David Sheffield IO93gj 232  
02/06/2023 16:07 GW0IXM 40m SSB 58   59     Ammanford Carmarthenshire IO71xs 105  
02/06/2023 16:11 G4LAF 40m SSB 48   59     Bristol IO81sh 18  
03/06/2023 09:31 GI3MMF 40m SSB 59   59   Bill Belfast IO74ao 416  
03/06/2023 09:34 MR7WLT 40m SSB     57   Steven Shalbourne IO91fi 76  
03/06/2023 09:53 M0JCE 40m SSB 57   59   Julian Weston Super Mare – North Somerset IO81mj 24  
03/06/2023 10:00 G0KZT 40m SSB 59   59   Andy Coulsdon IO91wh 174  
03/06/2023 10:00 G0NXA 40m SSB 59   59   Giles Hill End – Twyning – Nr Tewkesbury IO82wa 73  
03/06/2023 10:04 ON3EA 40m SSB 57   59   Eddy 2400 Mol (An) JO21ne 539  
03/06/2023 10:06 M0PAR 40m SSB 52   59   Roy Malvern IO82uc 78  
03/06/2023 10:07 G0DRM 40m SSB 57   57   David Crewe IO83sb 181  
03/06/2023 10:09 G0NWX 40m SSB 57   59     Birmingham B8 2Xq IO91vl 167 /QRP
03/06/2023 10:14 2W0YSW 40m SSB 54   55   Graham Abertridwr IO81io 50  
03/06/2023 10:16 PG9W 40m SSB 59   59   Bill 2361 Aa Warmond JO22ge 499  
03/06/2023 10:19 M3PLJ 40m SSB 57   59           Not a QRZ User
03/06/2023 10:20 G3UZM 40m SSB 59   59     Exmouth IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 10:22 MW7ERP 40m SSB 59   59   Thomas Caerphilly – South Wales IO81fq 69  
03/06/2023 10:25 G4EJM 40m SSB 57   59   Mike Stoke On Trent St 4 8 Ab IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 10:27 MW0CIA 40m SSB 59   59   Norman Withheld IO81cq 85  
03/06/2023 10:30 M5AEH 40m SSB 59   59   Colin Ipswich JO02nc 268  
03/06/2023 10:33 G3PGA 40m SSB 59   59   Mike Fremington. North Devon IO71wb 112  
03/06/2023 10:35 2E0PTV 40m SSB 59   59   Gary Dunmow – Essex JO01eu 212  
03/06/2023 10:37 G3LNM 40m SSB 59   59     Cantley – Norwich IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 10:38 G4IDF 40m SSB 59   59   Dave Newtown – Worcester IO82ve 88  
03/06/2023 10:41 GB4VOL 40m SSB 59   59   Patrick Staplehurst – Tonbridge – Kent – England JO01gd 223  
03/06/2023 10:45 G8IIC 40m SSB 57   59   David Ipswich JO02nb 267  
03/06/2023 10:47 M0ZAE 40m SSB 59   59   Henry Kempston – Bedford IO92sc 166  
03/06/2023 10:51 G7HEU 40m SSB 43   59   Stephen Wroughton – Wiltshire IO91cm 58  
03/06/2023 10:54 G0MGY 40m SSB 57   57     Staffs St2 0Qr IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 11:01 M0EBJ 40m SSB 59   59   Steve Blofield – Norwich JO02rp 310  
03/06/2023 11:06 2E0OCR 40m SSB 57   57           Operator: Patrick. Not a QRZ User
03/06/2023 11:20 GX1EUD 40m SSB 59   59           Operator: Brian. Husbands Bosworth Airfield
03/06/2023 11:26 M0WPJ 40m SSB 59   59   Peter Canterbury IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 11:29 PA3BXR 40m SSB 59   59   Rob Alblasserdam JO21hu 502 /P
03/06/2023 11:35 M0ZGY 40m SSB 59   59   Gerry . Pl12 IO70vj 160  
03/06/2023 11:36 G3VHH 40m SSB 59   59   John Berkshire IO91rm 145  
03/06/2023 11:44 GM3YXM 40m SSB 58   59   Dave New Galloway IO75xc 418  
03/06/2023 11:49 MI7RPP 40m SSB 45   57   Moira Armagh IO64qi 421  
03/06/2023 11:54 MX0WGS 40m SSB 59   55   Wings Museum Wings Museum Nr Balcombe West Sussex IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 12:04 2E0HGT 40m SSB 59   59   Alan Pontefract IO93hq 264  
03/06/2023 12:07 MR0HEM 40m SSB 59   59   John Dagenham Essex IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 12:11 M3KPZ 40m SSB 59   59     Bristol IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 12:13 M0XKX 40m SSB 59   59   Michael Tunbridge Wells IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 12:17 G1PIR 40m SSB 58   57   Dave Cheadle Cheshire IO83vj 219  
03/06/2023 12:19 M0DCX 40m SSB 59   59   Darren Bury St Edmunds JO02jg 252  
03/06/2023 12:26 M0IOK 40m SSB 59   59   David Sproatley – Hull IO93vt 310  
03/06/2023 12:31 G4SQA 40m SSB 58   56   Dave Market Deeping IO92vn 207  
03/06/2023 12:34 G0ANS 40m SSB 59   59   John Rochester JO01fi 214  
03/06/2023 12:38 M0ABT 40m SSB 57   59   Stuart Seaford East Sussex. JO00as 200  
03/06/2023 12:40 G0FVH 40m SSB 59   59   David North/West Of Poole Dorset (Wab Sy99) IO80xr 89  
03/06/2023 12:41 M0KCV 40m SSB 59   59   Kevin Dorking Surrey IO91uf 164  
03/06/2023 12:42 M0SPA 40m SSB 59   59   Staffordshire Portable Amateur Radio Club Lichfield – Staffordshire IO92cq 150 /P
03/06/2023 12:45 G0GWY 40m SSB 59   59     North Lincolnshire Dn16 1Ey IO93qn 272  
03/06/2023 12:48 G1SSL 40m SSB 59   59   Melvin Didcot IO91jo 100  
03/06/2023 12:49 ON4CHD 40m SSB 58   58   Stephan 8560 Gullegem JO10ou 412  
03/06/2023 12:51 2W0DSP 40m SSB 59   59   Andrew Upper Tumble – Llanelli – Carm’S. IO71ws 110  
03/06/2023 12:52 G0DTX 40m SSB 59   59   John Hadfield – Glossop – Derbyshire IO93ak 227  
03/06/2023 12:52 PA0AKV 40m SSB 59   59     8525Ez Langweer JO22uw 592  
03/06/2023 12:53 2E0PCL 40m SSB 59   59   Garry Bridlington East Yorkshire IO94vc 338  
03/06/2023 12:55 M0STP 40m SSB 59   58           Operator: James. Not a QRZ User
03/06/2023 12:58 MW1EPI 40m SSB 59   59   Dylan Anglesey IO73ri 250  
03/06/2023 13:02 M3XAC 40m SSB 44   59   Alan Stockton On Tees IO94io 363  
03/06/2023 13:05 G4RAC 40m SSB 58   58   John Burton On Trent Staffordshire IO92eu 172  
03/06/2023 13:08 ON3JOZ 40m SSB 59   59   Frederik Lubbeek JO20jv 520  
03/06/2023 13:08 G1GDB 40m SSB 58   59   Derek Cumbria IO84ir 369  
03/06/2023 13:18 M1EGP 40m SSB 58   59   Rob Staplehurst – Kent JO01gd 223  
03/06/2023 13:18 G6NMA 40m SSB 59   59     Leamington Spa IO92fh 122  
03/06/2023 13:18 2W0FLW 40m SSB 49   59   Derek Swansea IO71xp 101 Removed “R” from callsign as it was not set up correctly as secondary Identifier. in QRZ config.
03/06/2023 13:20 GB4SBH 40m SSB 59   59   St Barnabas House Special Event Station C/O Edmund Spicer M0Mng East Preston IO90st 166 Operator: Ed
03/06/2023 13:21 M7BBZ 40m SSB 59   59   Norman Bristol IO81qj 5  
03/06/2023 13:22 M0ZMT 40m SSB 59   59   Mark Horsham IO91tb 162  
03/06/2023 13:24 2E0RIF 40m SSB 58   59   Shaun Sheffield IO93gk 236 /P
03/06/2023 13:28 M0PCS 40m SSB 59   59   Philip Muswell Hill – London IO91wo 174  
03/06/2023 13:30 M0AEE 40m SSB 56   58   Martin Barnsley IO93ho 255  
03/06/2023 13:31 G0JSB 40m SSB 59   59   Phil Merseyside IO83kj 220  
03/06/2023 13:33 PD1AKJ 40m SSB 57   59   Nico Heerhugowaard JO22jp 524 /P
03/06/2023 13:38 G8YQN 40m SSB         Stewart Scarborough IO94ue 343 /P
03/06/2023 13:39 M0FAR 40m SSB 59   59   Andrew Fleet – Hampshire IO91ng 123  
03/06/2023 13:42 GX3WTP 40m SSB 57   57   Bedford And District Amateur Radio Club Ravensden – Bedford IO92se 171 Operator: Glenn
03/06/2023 13:45 GW4TQD 40m SSB 59   58   John Llandysul Ceredigion IO72sd 149  
03/06/2023 13:53 G6ASK 40m SSB 58   57   Jon Tiverton – Devon IO81ea 84  
03/06/2023 13:55 M7JNY 40m SSB 47   59   Jennifer Fladbury – Pershore IO82xc 84 /P
03/06/2023 14:01 EI2WRC 40m SSB 59   59   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group Corries Bridge – Bagenalstown – Co. Carlow R21 Rd21 IO62kg 323 /P
03/06/2023 14:02 GB1RY 40m SSB 59   57   79Th Anniversary Of D Day 2023 Special Events Callsign Nr Marlborough – Wiltshire IO91ek 69 Operator: John
03/06/2023 14:03 ON7USB 40m SSB 59   59   Geert Gullegem JO10ou 412  
03/06/2023 14:06 G0CNN 40m SSB 59   59   Ian Darlington IO94gm 351  
03/06/2023 14:09 M6XAM 40m SSB 53   55   Maxine Ballyclare IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 14:10 EI9HX 40m SSB 59   59   Patrick Co Roscommon IO53vi 434  
03/06/2023 14:11 PD2SD 40m SSB 53   59   Sander Hoogeveen JO32fr 637  
03/06/2023 14:12 GW0WWQ 40m SSB 53   53   Hugh Near Denbigh – North Wales IO83hf 206  
03/06/2023 14:16 G3SPX 40m SSB 58   57   Ken Wakefield IO93fr 265  
03/06/2023 14:19 M3RYL 40m SSB 59   59   Ryland Radcliffe Near Manchester IO83un 237 /P
03/06/2023 14:24 G7BXU 40m SSB 59   59   Stephen Reading IO91mk 116  
03/06/2023 14:25 M0TPT 40m SSB 57   57   David St Albans IO91ur 164  
03/06/2023 14:27 M1AOB 40m SSB 58   59   Richard Holsworthy Beacon IO70uu 133  
03/06/2023 14:29 PD0JT 40m SSB 54   57   Jacco Gouda JO22ia 509  
03/06/2023 14:30 GI0DUP 40m SSB 59   59     N Ireland Bt23 3Rt IO74do 408  
03/06/2023 14:33 G8FAK 40m SSB 57   57     Station Road – Mursley – Milton Keynes IO91ow 138 /QRP
03/06/2023 14:34 PA5KK 40m SSB 59   59     1742 Nv Schagen JO22js 527  
03/06/2023 14:36 G6UUR 40m SSB 59   59   Sam Shirley – Solihull IO92cj 121  
03/06/2023 14:40 PD0KDF 40m SSB 59   58   Ron Zoetermeer JO22fb 492  
03/06/2023 14:43 M0CQL 40m SSB 58   59   Andrew Barnsley IO93go 253 /P
03/06/2023 14:43 G4ILA 40m SSB 45   59   John Wirral IO83ki 216  
03/06/2023 14:46 G4NXL 40m SSB 55   55   Malcolm Belper – Derbyshire IO93ga 193  
03/06/2023 14:48 G7OGG 40m SSB 59   59   Lee Yeovil – Somerset IO80qw 56  
03/06/2023 14:49 M0VTS 40m SSB 57   57   Peter Stafford IO82ws 152 /P
03/06/2023 14:51 M7BWO 40m SSB 53   57           Station not found in QRZ
03/06/2023 14:52 PE1ODY 40m SSB 58   58     1791Bd Den Burg JO23jb 536  
03/06/2023 14:54 M0MMN 40m SSB 57   58   Iliyas Mobile IO93lw 298 /M
03/06/2023 14:55 F1JGJ 40m SSB 53   59     Sideville IN99do 214  
03/06/2023 14:57 ON5BWE 40m SSB 58   59   Erwin Bilzen JO20sv 572  
03/06/2023 14:58 F4VPL 40m SSB 59   59   David 56200 Glenac – Morbihan Department 56 IN87wr 414  
03/06/2023 14:59 PA3JD 40m SSB 54   59   Joop 7701 Rp Dedemsvaart JO32fo 634  
03/06/2023 15:02 OR4F 40m SSB 59   59   Sailship Mercator – Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union – Ostend S Oostende JO11lf 388  
03/06/2023 15:03 GD3ZZN 40m SSB 59   59   Martyn Port Erin IO74oc 330  
03/06/2023 15:06 PD0ETR 40m SSB 59   59   Peter Noordwolde – Friesland JO32bv 618  
03/06/2023 15:08 G5EDW 40m SSB 59   59   Edward Herts IO91xt 183  
03/06/2023 15:09 G0EGP 40m SSB 59   59     Wolverhampton Wv10 6Jq IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 15:11 G0FIU 40m SSB 52   59     Brockley Corner-Cul – Bury St Edmunds IO91vl 167 /QRP
03/06/2023 15:11 PC5Z 40m SSB 59   59   Harm Zeeland JO21ai 462  
03/06/2023 15:12 G0GHL 40m SSB 59   59   Tim Loggerheads – Market Drayton – Shropshire IO82tw 168  
03/06/2023 15:13 2E0VPX 40m SSB 59   59   Andy Heckington IO92ux 234  
03/06/2023 15:14 2I0VOF 40m SSB 59   59   Patrick Lisburn IO74ao 416  
03/06/2023 15:17 PH2X 40m SSB 51   59   Jaap Den Haag/The Hague/La Haye/L’Aia JO22db 481  
03/06/2023 15:18 G8WEG 40m SSB 59   59   Ken West Midlands. B63 2Ey IO82wk 116  
03/06/2023 15:19 M1DYU 40m SSB 53   59     Billinge – Wigan IO83pm 232  
03/06/2023 15:25 M3BOQ 40m SSB 59   59   Martin Staplehurst Kent IO91vl 167  
03/06/2023 15:26 G3YRZ 40m SSB 53   59   John Diss IO91vl 167 Station using “R” in call for Royal event but not included it as a secondary identifier on QRZ. Changed to normal call to log correctly
03/06/2023 15:27 ON3MVC 40m SSB 58   59   Christ Moorsele JO10nu 406