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VHF Field Day 2024 Predictions

The claimed scores form all submitted logs have been published on the RSGB CC Website. We’ve undertaken an unofficial analysis in much the same way as election exit polls are used to predict the outcome. See how we think we got on! […]

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On-Line UK Amateur Radio Foundation Course

Following confirmation of the Licence changes and the timetable for examination of the changed conditions, we believe we can fit in a single on-line Foundation Course before 1 September 2024 when the new Licence Conditions become examinable, so we’re going to re-launch our Training offer with an on-line Foundation Course. […]

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ILLW – Stop Press

International Lighthouses and Lightships on the Air 2023 You are encouraged to share this post with your friends, acquaintances, colleagues and family by all channels available to you. News posts, such as this, published on […]

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Mills on the Air 2023 – After Action Report

This is less of an After ACTION Report and more of an After INACTION Report. There was a lot of activity in terms of bodies on site, which is great, but sadly the bands didn’t want to play and propagation was dire following a series of Space Weather Events leading up to the Mills Weekend in May. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; we got some website content out of it! […]