10m FM Activity Period Planned for 20/04/2024

A #145Alive Type Event to Encourage 28MHz FM Activity

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The #145Alive (yes the #hashtag is mandatory) events promoted by Tim Hier G5TM have been very successful in generating activity on the 2m simplex channels. Now a small group of Amateur Radio YouTubers have come up with idea of a similar event but focussed on 10m FM because, in their view, this is an under utilised portion of the spectrum, and this band offers the potential for an interesting mix of local and DX.

Assuming this follows the format of the #145Alive events it is likely that a number of people in various parts of the country will set themselves up as “net controllers” on a spot frequency and invite all comers to join them. Individuals are then able to look for nets and join anything they hear, possibly joining more than 1 net during the activity period.

At the moment the number of potential net controllers is limited to a small number of Ham Radio YouTubers as follows:

The organisers hope that there will be others coming forward as the event gains traction within the Amateur Radio Community, but they are contacting Amateur Radio Clubs to see if they can get stations in the north and down towards Cornwall to take part.

If anyone is interested in getting themselves to a good location with some 10m equipment, then the date to put in your diary is 20 April 2024.

As we hear more we will try to keep the information flowing to those who want to take part. There is no indication, yet, of any sort of social media presence associated with these events but if a Facebook, Groups.io, WhatsApp or similar group, page or list is created we’ll include those details so that anyone interested can follow development first hand.

About Andy (G7KNA) 212 Articles
BEng CEng MICE. Chartered Civil Engineer and Licensed Radio Ham (G7KNA). Member of South Bristol Amateur Radio Club since 2005 and Secretary since 2010. Away from the club and work I play with computers and related gadgets exploring Open Source software and when necessary bodge the odd DIY project.