Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication. The term “amateur” is used to specify “a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;”[1] (either direct monetary or other similar reward) and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-way radio services (such as maritime, aviation, taxis, etc.).

GB3WR is Coming Back
GB3WR was forced off air in June 2024 following a dispute with the site owners. This was a sad loss to the local Ham Radio community around the south-west and South Wales and robbed a lot of coverage. Behind the scenes the GB3WR Repeater Group has been negotiating with the site owner/operator to try to reach a resolution that would allow GB3WR to return to the site. This took a very long time but has now been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties clearing the way for the operational return of GB3WR. […]